Articles for tag: 50 Artists You Should Know, 50 Women Artists You Should Know, A History of Pictures: From The Cave to The Computer Screen, Art Since 1900, Art That Changed the World, Art That Changed the World: Transformative Art Movements and the Paintings That Inspired Them, Art: A Brief History, Brunelleschi's Dome: How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture, Carolyn Schlam, Christiane Weidemann, Classical Art: From Greece to Rome, Collins Big Book of Art, David Hockney, E.H. Gombrich, Eleanor Heartney, Elizabeth Mansfield, Giorgio Vasari, H. Arnason, Helaine Posner, History of Modern Art, Ian Zaczek, John Berger, John Henderson, Katy Hessel, Lives of The Artists, Marilyn Stokstad, Martin Gayford, Mary Beard, Melanie Klier, Michael W. Cothren, Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling, Nancy G. Heller, Nancy Princenthal, Petra Larass, Rainer Hagen, Rose-Marie Hagen, Ross King, Sue Scott, The Reckoning: Women Artists of the New Millennium, The Story of Art, Thomas Köster, Ways of Seeing, What Great Paintings Say, Women Artists: An Illustrated History


books about history of arts

History of Art Books: Essential Collection for Art Enthusiasts

The study of art history is a fascinating journey through time, examining the visual and creative expressions of human culture. One of the most effective ways to delve into this vast and intricate subject is by exploring the numerous art history books available. These texts not only provide valuable information on various periods, artists, techniques, ...