Articles for tag: A Family Apart, A Place to Belong, Alison Moore, An Orphan Train Story, Andrea Warren, Anette Fry, Arleta Richardson, Caught in the Act, Christina Baker Kline, Circle of Love, Eve Bunting, In the Face of Danger, Jane Peart, Joan Lowery Nixon, Karen Cushman, Kathleen M. Muldoon, Kim Vogel Sawyer, Looking for Home, Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story, Marilyn June Coffey, My Heart Remembers, Orphan Train, Orphan Train Adventures, Orphan Trains: Taking the Rails to a New Life, Orphan Trains: The Story of Charles Loring Brace and the Children He Saved and Failed, Phil Lancaster, Rebecca Langston-George, Riders on the Orphan Train, Rodzina, Stephen O'Connor, The Brides of Montclair, The Orphan Trains, Train to Somewhere, We Rode the Orphan Trains



Books About The Orphan Trains: Essential Reads for Historians and Enthusiasts

The orphan trains were a significant and often overlooked chapter in American history. Between 1854 and 1929, over 250,000 orphans and surrendered children were transported from crowded cities in the Eastern United States to rural areas in search of new homes. These children faced a plethora of hardships and challenges on their journeys and throughout ...