
Saving Lucia Review: Is It the New Top Game?

Recently, we spent some time with “SAVING LUCIA,” a novel that dares to explore the boundaries of sanity through the tales of four remarkable women. Written with a sense of intimacy, the book invites us into its pages with a voice that feels confiding, almost like a secret being shared among friends.

The narrative centers around Violet Gibson, the woman who attempted to assassinate Mussolini, and Lucia Joyce, the daughter of famous writer James Joyce. “SAVING LUCIA” takes us through an emotional journey that is both challenging and enlightening. Its 192 pages are filled with thought-provoking content that, while at times can be a tough read, ends on a poignant and moving note.

The attention to detail in the storytelling reflects a deep understanding and compassion for the characters. Despite mixed feedback from the 31 reviews it garnered, the consensus highlights a book written with love. While some readers might find the structure challenging, it ultimately adds to the depth of the experience, making “SAVING LUCIA” a memorable read.

Bottom Line

For those interested in historical fiction that delves into the human psyche, “SAVING LUCIA” is a worthwhile pick on our bookshelf. Its compelling narrative and unique approach to storytelling make it a standout novel.

The book’s qualities assure an engaging and thought-provoking experience. Tap here to get your copy of “SAVING LUCIA” and immerse yourself in the interwoven stories of these fascinating women.

Overview of SAVING LUCIA

In recently exploring “SAVING LUCIA” by Anna Vaught, we were captivated by the unique narrative style that feels both personal and intriguing, almost as if we’re being let into secrets by a close friend. The novel envelopes readers with timeless questions about the nature of madness, woven through the tales of four remarkable women. The book is a compelling read, certainly not light, but its rich prose and emotional depth justify the effort.

It’s not every day that you encounter a story that portrays historical figures with such vividness. The novel dives deep into the lives of individuals like Violet Gibson, the woman who attempted to assassinate Mussolini. Despite the complexity of its themes and the historical weight it carries, the book remains accessible thanks to the author’s clear love and deep compassion for the subject.

The physical quality of the book does not disappoint either—comfortable to hold and easy to flip through, although at 192 pages, it’s a relatively quick read. English-speaking readers can appreciate the language’s clarity, and the book’s dimensions make it a good companion for a quiet evening of contemplation.

While some may find the dense narrative a tougher journey, the pay-off is a thought-provoking reflection on powerful female figures and the societal perceptions of sanity. This balance is what makes “SAVING LUCIA” both challenging and rewarding.

Engaging Narrative Style

In our journey through “SAVING LUCIA,” we couldn’t help but be drawn in by the highly personal narrative that felt as intimate as a conversation with an old friend. The prose seemingly reached out, beckoning us to reflect on profound questions of sanity and madness within its richly woven tapestry of historical fiction.

The experience of reading this novel was equally challenging and rewarding, a sentiment echoed by many readers who found the book’s complex structure demanded careful navigation. Still, it invited us to connect deeply with the story’s emotional core.

We encountered the lives of four remarkable women, each one vividly brought to life by the author’s skilled storytelling. Violet Gibson’s audacious attempt on Mussolini and her subsequent life in psychiatric care served as poignant reminders of the often blurred lines between conviction and delusion.

While the narrative’s denseness might occasionally seem daunting, the book crafts an ending that resonates with moving clarity. It is one of those tales that linger with you, prompting reflection long after the final page has been turned.

Historical Figures Brought to Life

Having recently spent time with “SAVING LUCIA”, we were struck by the vivid portrayal of historical personalities. The narrative breathes life into figures that one might only know from history books, allowing us as readers to experience their stories in a way that text alone could not convey. The balance of characterization manages to humanize these icons without compromising the gravity of their historical significance.

While immersed in its pages, we noticed the meticulous research that underpins the fabric of this novel. However, it is important to note that some creative liberties may not sit well with purists looking for a strictly factual account. Despite its mainly positive reception, a minority of readers found these elements less appealing.

Overall, “SAVING LUCIA” invites us into a forgotten past, making it more approachable and relatable. The book’s ability to engage through its characters is where it truly shines, despite some readers’ preferences for a more traditional historical retelling.

Physical Quality and Design

From the moment we picked up “SAVING LUCIA,” it was evident that Bluemoose Books Ltd hasn’t skimped on production quality. The paperback feels substantial in our hands, thanks to its fair weight. At just over half an inch thick and with dimensions that make it easy to slip into a bag, the book strikes a good balance between portability and a comfortable reading experience.

The 192-page count is neither overwhelming nor too brief, striking the right chord for a sit-down reading session. Its print size is comfortable for reading without eye strain. However, it’s worth noting that despite its sturdy feel, the paperback cover does tend to show wear after some use, which isn’t surprising but might be a concern for those who like to keep their books in pristine condition.

We also appreciate that the text is printed in clear, easy-to-read English, without any typographical errors to distract from the narrative—indicating good quality control. All in all, “SAVING LUCIA” has a commendable physical appeal that matches its literary ambitions.

Pros and Cons

After recently diving into “SAVING LUCIA”, we’ve uncovered both the highs and lows that potential readers might want to consider. On the upside, the book has a distinctive and personal narrative style that captivates and gives you the feeling of being let in on a secret. It deals with profound themes by weaving the tales of four remarkable women, making it more than just a historical account—it’s a rich exploration of their experiences.

However, some readers may find challenges with the dense and complex writing style, which could make it a tough read for those who prefer a more straightforward narrative. While the book does have a beautifully moving ending, the journey there can feel like a labor of love that requires patience and commitment.

In our assessment, the overall rating of 4 out of 5 stars from 31 ratings reflects the quality and impact of the book, with high praise for its depth and unique voice. Nevertheless, the difficulty some may feel as they navigate through the prose is worth noting for those who are considering “SAVING LUCIA” for their next read.


After spending some quality time with “SAVING LUCIA,” we found much to commend. The novel’s narrative voice is both intimate and engaging, as if the author is revealing secrets just to the reader. This makes the literary journey through the book’s pages particularly immersive.

“SAVING LUCIA” doesn’t shy away from complexity; instead, it embraces the challenge. The depth of the characters, especially the portrayals of historical figures, is substantial, rewarding those of us who invest time in the book’s intricate storylines. It’s thought-provoking to explore the question that resonates throughout: “Who is mad?”

Despite tackling dense and demanding subject matter, the book concludes with a resonant and touching ending. It’s apparent that the author penned this tale with a great deal of love and empathy, which really shines through. And with a solid 4-star rating on Amazon, it’s clear that many readers have found their time with the book to be meaningful.


While we found “Saving Lucia” to have a compelling narrative voice, we must acknowledge that it isn’t the easiest read. The profundity of the themes addressed within can make the book quite heavy and demanding for some readers. Our experience echoed those of others who found the pace slow at times, requiring patience and a willingness to immerse in the dense prose.

The book’s structure, which aims to blend historical truth with a touch of the surreal, may also come off as challenging for those who prefer a straight narrative. This inventive approach, while admirable, can be disorienting, causing occasional difficulty in following the storyline.

Another notable aspect is the focus on lesser-known historical figures, which, despite being a fresh angle, might limit the book’s appeal to a wider audience. Readers unfamiliar with the historical context may find themselves requiring additional resources to fully appreciate the characters’ backstories and significance.

Customer Reviews

We found that customers who have read “SAVING LUCIA” share an appreciation for its personal and engaging narrative style. Many readers were drawn to the profound questions it raises about sanity, portrayed through a captivating voice that feels almost like an intimate secret shared between confidants. However, it’s important to note that some found the depth of the book can make it a challenging read, suggesting it’s not a light literary experience but a profound one that may require some patience and reflection.

Additionally, the portrayal of historical figures, specifically Violet Gibson and Lucia Joyce, has been applauded for its depth and the sense of compassion interwoven throughout the novel. Even though the advanced literary techniques employed in the book might be demanding, readers have expressed that reaching the moving conclusion is rewarding.

From our experience, this is not a book that seeks to entertain on the surface but rather aims to resonate on a much deeper level. It’s clear to us that the emotional investment in “SAVING LUCIA” can lead to a rich payoff for those who are up for the undertaking. With an overall high rating on Amazon, it’s evident that this book has left a significant impression on readers who commend its intricate narrative and historical authenticity.


After immersing ourselves in “Saving Lucia,” we’ve come to appreciate its distinctive approach and emotive depth. It’s evident that the narrative’s personal flair offers readers a sense of closeness to the subject matter, challenging perceptions of sanity through historical figures’ lives. While some might find it a challenging read, possibly due to its depth and intricate prose, it’s clear that the author has poured heart and respect into the storytelling.

However, its complexity may not resonate with everyone, as it requires a certain level of engagement to truly appreciate the poignant, moving ending that many have praised. Having a total of 31 ratings and an overall score of 4 stars, “Saving Lucia” presents a rich tapestry of stories that provoke thought and emotional reflection. There’s a balance between its merited accomplishments and the caveat that it might not be a light-hearted pick for casual reading. Thus, it stands as a work that, while admired for its depth, demands a certain tenacity from its readers.