Riley's Ghost-book-cover


Riley’s Ghost: A 3.9 Rated Mystery – Worth the Read?

Looking for a captivating new read that explores the complexities of love and loss? We’ve recently delved into “Riley’s Ghost” by John David Anderson, and it’s a compelling tale you’ll want to add to your bookshelf.

This emotionally charged novel invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, while deftly tackling the challenges that come with growing up and finding inner strength. The well-developed characters and engaging storyline create an immersive reading experience that’s hard to put down.

While the overall rating of 3.9 stars speaks to the captivating nature of the book, it’s worth noting that some readers found certain story elements to be rather predictable. Despite that, the majority praised Riley’s Ghost for its relatable characters and emotional depth.

Bottom Line

If you’re in the mood for an engaging novel that tackles emotional themes with sincerity and grace, we recommend giving “Riley’s Ghost” a try.

Click here to purchase “Riley’s Ghost” on Amazon and immerse yourself in this poignant tale of love, loss, and self-discovery.

Riley’s Ghost: Book Overview

We recently had the pleasure of reading “Riley’s Ghost” by John David Anderson. This captivating novel has a rating of 3.9 stars with 18 ratings on Amazon. Our experience with the story was both thrilling and engaging, as it delves into the adventures of its protagonist.

As a team of avid readers, we appreciated the author’s storytelling skills, which kept us hooked from start to finish. However, there were a few parts that some found lacking in depth or detail. Despite this, the overall plot is captivating and well-woven, making “Riley’s Ghost” a solid choice for those seeking an immersive reading experience.

In conclusion, if you’re considering purchasing “Riley’s Ghost,” we recommend giving it a go. While it may have room for improvement, the exceptional storytelling and enthralling adventures make it a worthwhile read.

Book’s Unique Features

We recently read “Riley’s Ghost” by John David Anderson, and what sets it apart are its intriguing storyline and thought-provoking themes. The author truly captures the essence of friendship and overcoming hardships, making it a relatable read for people of all ages.

The gripping plot is full of twists and turns, keeping us hooked throughout. The characters are well-developed, allowing us to empathize with their situations. It’s also worth mentioning that the writing style of the author is engaging and natural, making it a pleasure to read.

One downside, however, might be the pacing – some sections seemed to drag on a bit too long. Nevertheless, this book offers a stimulating journey and evokes strong emotions, making it a standout tale in the world of fiction.

Overall, “Riley’s Ghost” brings a unique blend of mystery, friendship, and emotional depth, providing an unforgettable reading experience.

Fascinating Storyline

We recently delved into “Riley’s Ghost” and instantly became captivated by its enthralling plot. The storyline unfolds in a unique and unexpected manner, keeping readers on their toes. The author, John David Anderson, masterfully weaves together suspense, emotion, and impactful character development.

While the book provides endless entertainment, it is not without flaws. At times, some readers may find certain plot points to be slightly predictable. However, this aspect does not detract from the overall experience, as the book’s captivating storyline compensates for any shortcomings.

In summary, “Riley’s Ghost” offers a fascinating and engaging storyline that will grip readers from the first page to the last. With its mix of emotional depth and thrilling suspense, the book provides a memorable reading experience we highly recommend.

Pros and Cons


In our experience with “Riley’s Ghost,” we found some notable positives that make it worth considering. John David Anderson, the author, has crafted a relatable story of loneliness and struggles in middle school. Riley Flynn, the protagonist, is a well-developed character who faces real challenges like being ditched by her best friend and navigating the murky waters of middle school social dynamics.

Anderson is known for adding a touch of humor to his works, like in Ms. Bixby’s Last Day and One Last Shot. While this book may lack that element, the seriousness of the story helps readers connect with Riley’s journey. We appreciated that it offered a realistic portrayal of the hardships that many adolescents face.

The storyline presents engaging scenarios that hold the reader’s attention, and the writing style is clear and easy to follow.


Despite the engaging plot, we noticed a few downsides to “Riley’s Ghost.” First, the absence of Anderson’s signature humor might be disappointing to fans of his previous works. The story’s heavier tone could make it harder to digest for some readers, particularly those expecting a similar approach to his other novels.

Additionally, the book has a 3.9 rating based on 18 reviews, which might not make it a standout choice if you’re seeking the very best in this genre. However, it’s important to remember that ratings and reviews are subjective, so it’s worth considering if the pros outweigh the cons.

In conclusion, “Riley’s Ghost” is a relatable exploration of middle school struggles with a realistic portrayal of adolescence. While the absence of humor and the book’s average rating may deter some readers, others might find a deep connection with the protagonist and her journey. It’s all about weighing the pros and cons before making a decision to purchase.

Impressions from Customer Reviews

While browsing the thoughts of other readers, we found that “Riley’s Ghost” generally received mixed reviews. Despite a 3.9-star rating on Amazon, some readers felt the book lacked the humor usually found in John David Anderson’s work, such as “Ms. Bixby’s Last Day” and “One Last Shot”. They believed this left the serious themes feeling a bit heavy.

On the other hand, there were fans who genuinely enjoyed the book’s portrayal of middle school life, specifically mentioning Riley Flynn’s struggles with loneliness and bullying. These readers appreciated the vivid descriptions of navigating the social quagmire of adolescence and sympathized with Riley’s journey in facing these challenges.

In conclusion, our impression from customer reviews suggests that the novel may resonate with some readers who relate to the protagonist’s experiences, while others may miss the humor typically present in Anderson’s storytelling. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s tastes differ, and this book might be worth a read if you’re seeking a genuine portrayal of middle school life.


After spending some time with “Riley’s Ghost,” we can confidently say that there are both pros and cons to this novel. The story does revolve around complex themes of loneliness, bullying, and friendship, which can potentially make it a worthwhile read for a middle school audience. However, compared to John David Anderson’s other works like Ms. Bixby’s Last Day and Posted, the book seems to lack a humorous element, which could have made the serious content more digestible.

The writing style is clear and engaging, and while some aspects of the story may feel a bit heavy, it does a good job of addressing real-world challenges that many young readers can relate to. Overall, “Riley’s Ghost” has a rating of 3.9, reflecting the mixed reviews it has received. If you’re a fan of Anderson’s previous work or if you’re looking for an interesting read on middle school struggles, it might be worth considering this book.