Destroyer of Light main cover


Destroyer of Light Review: A New Mythic Must-Read?

Immersing ourselves into the world of myths and modern storytelling, we recently turned the pages of Rachel Alexander’s “Destroyer of Light,” the captivating second book in the Hades and Persephone series. It’s a deep dive into the classic tale reimagined, where we follow the infamous deities through a narrative that promises to bind you to its pages.

Our journey through this 571-page novel has revealed a well-crafted plot filled with tension and depth. The eloquent prose enchants with its clarity, keeping us hooked from one chapter to the next. With features like Page Flip and Word Wise integration, the reading experience on our Kindle was seamless and engaging.

Destroyer of Light main cover

The book’s reception is notably positive, reflecting in a high rating averaging 4.7 across 692 total reviews. Readers can enjoy the convenience of various Kindle services such as Sticky Notes and Text-to-Speech, all while diving into a story of eternal love and darkness. Despite lacking X-Ray functionality, the novel does not lose its charm, nor does it withhold any thrills that come from unraveling the fates of its divine characters.

Bottom Line

“Destroyer of Light” stands strong as a worthy sequel in the Hades and Persephone series. With a blend of mythological elements and rich storytelling, it’s a novel that enthralls and invokes curiosity about the characters’ fates.

For anyone enticed by Greek mythology and looking to lose themselves in a realm of divine intrigue, this book is a click away. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience this ethereal journey—get your copy here!

Overview of Destroyer of Light

Our journey through mythological retellings continues with the second book in the Hades and Persephone series. With a hefty 571 pages, this sequel delves deeper into the lives of the Underworld’s royal couple. It’s essential to have read the first book to fully grasp the rich and complex narrative this sequel offers.

We’ve been captivated by the vivid images and intimate look into the lives of the divine characters. The author has a knack for making mythology feel fresh, offering twists that make these age-old stories resonate with a modern audience. It’s a rewarding read for those of us with an undying love for tales of gods and heroes.

In this volume, we see Persephone’s growth as a character, emerging as an intelligent and powerful goddess. There’s a noticeable uptick in action compared to the first installment, which keeps the pages turning. Readers who have a soft spot for well-written sequels will find satisfaction here. For us, it was difficult to put the book down, and the anticipation for the third is palpable.

While some parts are a bit risqué, they fit within the context of the gods’ lives and are handled with a tasteful narrative style. It’s a book that beckons us into the night, unwilling to rest until we know what fate befalls Hades and his queen.

Immersive Myth Retelling

In exploring “Destroyer of Light,” our journey through Hades and Persephone’s tale deepens, with the narrative picking up where “Receiver of Many” left off. We must note the importance of having read the first book to fully appreciate the sequel’s complexities.

The author, Rachel Alexander, skillfully avoids the trap of disappointing follow-ups by further developing the dark and alluring world of the gods. Her storytelling breathes new life into ancient myths, crafting scenes that are rich and evocative. The growth of Persephone into her role as a powerful goddess particularly stands out, providing a fresh perspective on her transformation that deviates from traditional tellings.

Readers have described their experience as highly engaging, unable to put the book down, intrigued by the mature take on a classic story. Some have found the detailed descriptions a vivid treat for the imagination, while others have mentioned that the more adult-oriented scenes may not be for everyone.

Our impression aligns with the majority; “Destroyer of Light” offers an absorbing retelling that builds on its predecessor’s strengths, making us eager to discover what the next installment holds.

E-Reading Enhancements

Having spent considerable time with “Destroyer of Light”, we’ve observed several features that enhance the e-reading experience. The Page Flip function is a notable addition, allowing seamless navigation between pages—akin to flipping through a physical book. Our experience found it particularly useful for referring back to previous sections without losing our current spot.

There’s also an appreciation for the unlimited simultaneous device usage. We were able to pick up where we left off on different devices, which catered well to our on-the-go lifestyle. The Sticky Notes feature on the Kindle Scribe further personalized our reading, making it easy to jot down thoughts and insights as we delved into the mythological world of Hades and Persephone.

While word-wise support aided our understanding of complex terminology, the absence of X-Ray was felt, especially when keeping track of the numerous mythological characters would have been easier with it. The text-to-speech function brought the story to life when our eyes needed a rest, although the mechanical voice lacked the emotional nuance of a human narrator.

Overall, despite some minor setbacks, the reading experience was fluid and engaging, ensuring that our journey with the gods was as uninterrupted and immersive as possible.

Availability for Multiple Devices

We recently had the chance to indulge in the “Destroyer of Light,” the captivating second installment of the Hades and Persephone series. We were pleased to find out that its availability on multiple devices is impressive. You can easily read this on your e-reader or tablet without any hassle—this ebook’s compatibility is top-notch.

The best part is the unlimited device usage. We could switch between our phone, tablet, and reader seamlessly. Whether we were on-the-go or cozy at home, we never had to pause our reading. The experience is tailored for today’s multi-device world, and we were able to access our progress across all platforms effortlessly.

Even better, our notes and highlights synced across all devices, which meant we could add thoughts on one device and review them on another. We appreciate features like Page Flip and Enhanced typesetting for a more pleasant reading experience, and the Text-to-Speech function came in handy during our commute. Although it lacks the X-Ray feature, we still found ourselves immersed in the world Rachel Alexander has woven. It’s clear that the team behind this ebook has thought about readers who like to keep their library accessible wherever they are.

Pros and Cons

After spending some time with Destroyer of Light, we’ve gathered a clear picture of its strengths and areas where it may not meet everyone’s expectations. Let’s delve into what makes this book standout, as well as some of the aspects that could be drawbacks for certain readers.


  • The sequel maintains a strong narrative that continues the gripping tale of Hades and Persephone. It doesn’t fall into the trap of merely mimicking the charm of the first book, but rather builds upon it with creativity.
  • Engaging Storytelling: Alexander crafts vivid imagery throughout the novel, which serves as a feast for the imagination.
  • There’s obvious growth in the characters, particularly Persephone, who emerges as a more independent and powerful goddess. This character development adds depth to the story.
  • Readers invested in the series have expressed clear enthusiasm for the saga’s continuation, indicating that it successfully maintains engagement and leaves one eager for the next installment.


  • Since Destroyer of Light is a sequel, new readers need to read the first volume to fully comprehend the storyline. This could deter those who prefer standalone novels.
  • Despite the positive reception, some may find the content somewhat risqué. It caters to a mature audience, which might not suit every reader’s taste.
  • Its reliance on Greek myth retelling could be less appealing to those unfamiliar with or uninterested in the original tales. This book is crafted for a specific audience, possibly limiting its reach.
  • The action and pace of the story intensify compared to the first book, which might be overwhelming for some who favor a more gradual plot development.

In our journey through Destroyer of Light, we’ve been treated to a robust narrative filled with imagination and character growth that promises even more in the subsequent books. Meanwhile, acknowledging its prerequisites and mature content ensures readers know what to expect.

Customer Reviews

We’ve scoured through the customer feedback for “Destroyer of Light,” and our findings are mostly positive. With an impressive average rating of 4.7 stars from a substantial number of readers, it’s clear that this second book in the Hades and Persephone series has struck a chord. Readers commend Rachel Alexander for avoiding the common pitfall of disappointing sequels; instead, she delivers a narrative that is as engaging as the series opener, perhaps more so.

Many fans are quick to mention that “Destroyer of Light” requires familiarity with the first book, which lays the groundwork for a richer understanding and appreciation. The continuation of the mythological tale is described as vivid and imaginative, providing an adult-oriented retelling that’s both risqué and sophisticated. For those of us with a penchant for Greek mythology, these accounts suggest a fresh yet faithful exploration of Hades and Persephone’s private lives.

Some reviewers can’t help but express their eagerness to dive into subsequent titles, praising the author’s ability to hook readers and leave them yearning for more. We notice a sentiment of regret from those who have delayed starting the series, emphasizing the engaging and addictive quality of Alexander’s storytelling. Overall, the consensus is clear: for fans of the first book, “Destroyer of Light” is a must-read that delivers on its promise and leaves readers enthusiastic for future installments.


Wrapping up our experience with “Destroyer of Light”, the sequel has managed to surpass the usual expectations one might have about follow-up novels. Rachel Alexander ensures that we need to have read the first book, yet she succeeds in deepening the mythos of Hades and Persephone in a way that feels both respectful to the original tales and innovative in its execution.

The sequel brings greater depth to the characters, showing Persephone’s growth into a formidable goddess, and doesn’t shy away from mature themes. It’s a journey through a richly imagined underworld, with imagery that’s evocative enough to make us lose sleep just to see what happens next. There’s a consensus among us that it’s a treat for the imagination and a genuine page-turner.

While some moments are more risqué, the writing style remains engaging and well-crafted, earning this book its place on our shelves. For anyone with a lingering affection for mythological retellings, this saga seems to have a lot more to offer and has us eagerly anticipating the next installment. Our experience with this novel solidifies its position as a commendable continuation that stands firmly on its own merit.

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